Faith Development Program

There's always something new to learn, regardless of your age. We teach children to be kind, respectful and fair-minded, and to stand up for what’s right. Rather than telling them (or you) what to believe, we encourage a search for what is true and meaningful. At this church we learn, and grow our souls together, throughout all the stages of our lives.

Faith Development for Children and Youth

Does your child attend a Faith Development program? In our religious community and church school, our purpose is to grow the minds, souls, and characters of our children. Get involved and register your kids today. You'll be glad you did.

Adult Education Programs

When is the last time that you sat down with a group of like-minded adults to learn something new? Was it something that you always wondered about? Did you learn things about the people around you? Did you enjoy the experience? Join us in growing our spiritual maturity.

Unitarian Universalism

In 1961, there was a merger of Unitarians and Universalists. UU, including UUA, is Unitarian and Universalist. Unitarian Universalism is our faith and Unitarian Universalists are who we say we are. If you are seeking your spiritual home, join us at The Church of the River.