Green Resources - Home Energy
Environmental Justice led by our ministry, Team Upstream
Did you know that the typical Memphis family spends about $1,900 a year on home utility bills? Unfortunately, a large portion of that energy is wasted. And each year, electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars. And as for the road, transportation accounts for 67% of all U.S. oil consumption. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to save energy and money at home and in your car.
ConsumerAffairs: Solar Energy
The ConsumerAffairs team worked with global thought leader and solar expert, Zachary Shahan, to create an online resource about solar panels. Since 1977, the price of solar panels has dropped approximately 100 times over, and solar power is now less expensive than power from the grid for billions of people. This guide that helps consumers determine whether or not going solar is for them. A few topics in the guide include companies, financing options, and services or maintenance after installation.
Guide to Green Mortgages: Energy Efficient Mortgages
This informative article covers the importance of energy efficient upgrades and how to get a green mortgage for that purpose.
Home Energy Rating
A Home Energy Rating is a measurement of a home's energy efficiency. Home energy ratings can be used for either existing homes or new homes. A home energy rating of an existing home allows a homeowner to receive a report listing options for upgrading a home’s energy efficiency. The homeowners may then use the report to determine the most effective ways in which to upgrade the home's energy efficiency. A home energy rating of a new home allows buyers to compare the energy efficiency of homes they are considering buying.
Home Energy Saver
Home Energy Saver is a set of online resources developed by the U.S. Department of Energy intended to help consumers and professional energy analysts, analyze, reduce, and manage home energy use.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Make the Green Power Switch in order to support Green Power Providers and other regional renewable energy projects using wind, solar and biogas sources. You have the power to change the way electricity is generated throughout the region, reducing emissions and saving natural resources.
The Total Guide: Green Home Buying
Through green home buying and renovations, anyone can transform their home into an energy efficient, money saving machine. The green home was designed to minimize environmental footprints, while still preserving a comfortable and healthy indoor living environment. This web site includes terminology to detailed information that will beneift the discerning home buyer. Check it out.
United States Green Building Council (USGBC)
The purpose of USGBC is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. The Memphis chapter has a Facebook page.
Wind Power Monthly
Windpower Monthly is the leading news magazine of the international wind energy business, publishing non-stop since 1985. Fiercely protective of its independent status, the magazine provides balanced quality information on wind power and only wind power.