Faith Development Curriculum
Our Family Ministry Programming is designed to address the Faith Development needs of children from nursery (children 2 years old and younger) through those graduating from high school. Drawing from Six Sources, and Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism, children and youth are encouraged to explore how Unitarian Universalism might shape the way they see the world around them as they experience a sense of wonder and awe and gratitude in their daily lives.
Preschool/Kindergarten Class
"The Rainbow Connection" by Karen Hager
This curriculum uses storybooks to introduce our youngest learners to Unitarian Universalist (UU) values, helping them explore the concepts that unite us as UUs in a fun and engaging way.
1st-5th Grade Class
"LEGO ValUUes" by Kathy E Smith
Your elementary-aged children will dive into UU values like Pluralism, Interdependence, Justice, and Kindness through storybooks, hands-on LEGO® activities, and thoughtful discussions.
Combined Middle and High School Youth Group
"Games to Build Community" by Kathy E Smith &
"UU Values Challenge" by Rev. Caitlin Cotter Colliberg
Our youth will explore UU values through experiential learning, using active and engaging games to build community while exploring topics like Justice, Love, and Equity
First Hour High School Youth Group
"On The Road Together" from Soul Matters
This group will meet at 10:00 AM, starting with fun and meaningful games, mindfulness activities, and discussions, all focused on deepening relationships and exploring faith.