Support your Child's Faith Development
Regular attendance greatly benefits your child. It enhances your child's understanding of the curriculum. Children who attend Sunday school regularly become a greater part of their social group and develop closer friendships.
Volunteers are the backbone of our Church School. We ask parents who have children in the Church School to contribute in some way during the year. There is a place on the registration form to volunteer time and talents to the Church School.
Parents of children through sixth grade are asked to come to their children's classrooms immediately after the church service. Young children may become concerned if their parents do not arrive when others do.
Know where your children are. You are responsible for your child's safety anytime they are outside a regularly scheduled program staffed by volunteer or paid adult facilitators.
Open House may be scheduled from time to time>, but at any time the teachers, members of the Family Ministry Team, the Director of Faith Development, or the Minister will be glad to discuss our programs with interested parents.
Safer Congregations Policy was developed for the protection of the children in our church. It deals with the supervision of children both on and off the church property, the reporting of any suspected abuse, and the training and screening of adult volunteers. Our desire is to provide a consistently safe environment in which children can grow and learn in an atmosphere of trust under the leadership of caring and responsible adults.