Famous Unitarians

Throughout history, there have been many Unitarians and Universalists who have done notable acts. Several are listed below. The term, Unitarian, derived when two denominations, Unitarians and Universalists, merged in 1961 into the Unitarian Universalist Association. To add famous Unitarians not included on this list, let us know.


Louisa May Alcott Phineas Taylor (P.T.) Barnum Bela Bartok
Ray Bradbury Robert Burns E.E. Cummings
Charles Dickens Ralph Waldo Emerson Fannie Farmer
Robert Fulghum Margaret Fuller Greta Gerwig
Nathaniel Hawthorne Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Herman Melville John Milton Gary Merrill
Beatrix Potter Carl Sandberg Rod Serling
Henry David Thoreau Kurt Vonnegut Frank Lloyd Wright


Lant Carpenter Ezra Cornell Charles W. Eliot
Thomas H. Eliot Horace Mann Mary Tyler Peabody Mann
Randy Pausch Elizabeth Peabody Leland Stanford
George D. Stoddard


Abigail Smith Adams John Adams John Quincy Adams
John C. Calhoun Benjamin Franklin Horace Greeley
Charles Hudson Thomas Jefferson James Madison
Wendell Phillips Paul Revere Elliot L. Richardson
Robert Gould Shaw Adlai Stevenson II William Howard Taft


Alexander Graham Bell Tim Berners-Lee Elizabeth Blackwell
Luther Burbank Peter Cooper Charles Darwin
Karl W. Deutsch Buckminister Fuller Edmund Halley
Lewis Latimer Samuel F.B. Morse Isaac Newton
Rev. Joseph Priestley Emily Stowe

Social Justice

Susan B. Anthony Clara Barton Olympia Brown
William Ellery Channing Rev. James Freeman Clarke Clarence Darrow
Dorothea Dix Julia Ward Howe Thomas Starr King
Josephine Shaw Lowell Theodore Parker Carlton Pearson
Albert Schweitzer Caroline Severance Henry Solly
Lucy Stone Alfred T. White Whitney Moore Young, Jr.
Frank Forrester Church IV