Focus on Deeds, Not Creeds
We won't tell you what you must believe.

As Unitarian Universalists, we're guided by a set of principles--shared values of interdependence, pluralism, justice, transformation, generosity, and equity--all centered around love. Our origins are rooted in Christianity. But we have no fixed creed or a single sacred text. Rather, we draw wisdom from diverse religious and philosophical traditions, encouraging open dialogue and personal exploration of spirituality. Our inclusive and progressive approach values diversity, community, and the pursuit of social justice.

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Protect the Earth
All life is interconnected.

We advocate for sustainable practices, climate action, and the fair treatment of communities disproportionately impacted by environmental harm. That's why we became a certified Green Sanctuary, to reduce waste and energy use. We've also compiled a list of national and local resources for various environmental issues. Just click the button below.

Climate Justice Green Resources