According to National Geographic, Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative impacts can affect human behavior and can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water.
For most of the 20th century, asbestos had been used in municipal water, wastewater and stormwater systems. As these water systems develop cracks and degrade over time, the danger of asbestos leaching into the water supply grows and asbestos in the water supply at certain levels poses a health risk to the general public. Learn about and help spread awareness about asbestos and assist anyone currently suffering from exposure to it.
We're an international movement of ordinary people working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all. Visit our website to learn more and get involved.
This website includes millions of people around the world, working towards a safe, clean, and just future for everyone. To create meaningful and lasting climate action, climate stories are shared to help others understand the climate-related disasters happening worldwide. Read their stories. They are a group of people who are working on solutions from the global climate justice movement.
MCAP is dedicated to pursuing environmental justice for Black communities in Southwest Memphis, protecting the area's health and environment, and combating climate injustice.
The mission of Protect Our Aquifer is guardianship of our most precious resource—water. In Shelby County, this means preserving and protecting the Memphis Sand Aquifer for the benefit of present and future generations.
Discover Earth911."We believe humans can successfully reduce their impact by using less, reusing and recycling more, and constantly making small improvements through their daily decisions at home, while shopping, at work, and at play. More ideas make less waste." Read about what they believe at Earth911. Find out their mission. One easy step? Send your Pill Bottles to Do Some Good.
Douglas W. Tallamy is an entomologist and author. He teaches in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. Tallamy advocates for home gardens that bridge the gaps between parks and preserves in providing habitat for native species. Douglas W. Tallamy's first book awakened thousands of readers to an urgent situation: wildlife populations are in decline because the native plants they depend on are fast disappearing. In this new book, Tallamy takes the next step and outlines his vision for a grassroots approach to conservation, describing how homeowners can turn their yards into conservation corridors that provide wildlife habitats. The concept is practical, effective, and easy—you will walk away with specific suggestions you can incorporate into your own yard. If you're concerned about doing something good for the environment, Tallamy's new book is the blueprint you need. By acting now, you can help preserve our precious wildlife—and the planet—for future generations.
Learn about the federal government's efforts to address environmental injustice. Learn about the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC)
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications. Locate a collection site. Search by zip code or city/state to find a collection site near you.
Here are some amazing environmental facts that you need to know about. is a privately owned, for-profit company that specializes in providing consumers with accessible and actionable recycling information across the country. Our online Recycling Directory is the most accurate and comprehensive directory of its kind and contains recycling information for over 300 different consumer products. We have collected over 1 million recycling locations and programs that people can search for to find their nearest recycling options and resources. We also have a toll-free and bilingual hotline (1-800 CLEANUP) and a free mobile application (iRecycle®).
Guided by science, the Environmental Defense Fund design and transform markets to bring lasting solutions to the most serious environmental problems.
Green America is a not-for-profit membership organization founded in 1982. Green America went by the name "Co-op America" until January 1, 2009. Their mission is to harness economic power—the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace—to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society.
Green Faith's mission is to inspire, educate and mobilize people of diverse religious backgrounds for environmental leadership. Their work is based on beliefs shared by the world's great religions. They believe that protecting the earth is a religious value, and that environmental stewardship is a moral responsibility.
The goal of NRCS is not just a sustainable, nutritious, abundant food supply, but also thriving ecosystems that support a diversity of life. In the next century, NRCS will not only continue to tackle familiar challenges like ensuring clean water and healthy soil, but will also rise to meet new issues, such as clean air, clean energy, climate change, and new technology.
NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the grassroots power of 1.3 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals.
The Sierra Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. The Chickasaw Group of the Sierra Club represents over 1000 members in Memphis and West Tennessee. Members advocate for policies that protect our natural environment, offer hikes and outdoor recreation for people of all ages, support environmental candidates for public office, and provide opportunities for people who want to develop leadership skills to help their community while enhancing the environment.
Recycling is a process to change materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from landfilling) by reducing the need for conventional waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to plastic production. Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle waste hierarchy.
"Be The Solution." The Tennessee Environmental Council is welcoming volunteers to help achieve thriving habitats, a circular economy and climate balance in Tennessee.
The mission of Memphis City Beautiful is working together for a clean, green, beautiful Memphis. Through our relationship with Memphis City Beautiful, here are recycling resources: Collins Center and Recycle Right Memphis.
The mission of the Binghampton Development Corporation (BDC) is to improve the quality of life in the Binghampton Community. As a community-oriented and faith-backed entity, the BDC is working to be an instrument of God's love to reach those in economic oppression.
Check out their program, Recycle Styroform Today. Today program at 2690 Yale Ave, Memphis, TN 38112
Check out how they are Turning Trash into Treasure at the BDC Business Hub.
Cincinnati-based Matthew 25: Ministries, an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization, accepts donations of empty plastic pill bottles that are either sent to places where medical supplies are needed or are shredded and recycled. Our pill bottle program fulfills the dual needs of improving medical care in developing countries and caring for our environment, according to the website.
Disposing of unused or expired medications safely is one way to keep families safe. Use the Drug Disposal Locator Tool for permanent drug disposal boxes in your area. With the support of law enforcement, pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS are partners in this effort.
The Bausch and Lomb recycling program for any brand of contact lenses and blister packs. You can print a label and mail yourself or drop off at most eye doctor offices. I take them to Mid South Vision Center across from Poplar Plaza. They have a collection box inside. Learn more The One by One Recycling Program FAQs.
eartheasy offers extensive information about the topic. Composting is a simple way to add nutrient-rich humus which fuels plant growth and restores vitality to depleted soil. It's also free, easy to make and good for the environment.
Learn about Sustainability and Resilience. The team serves as a leading advocate, expert, and educator for sustainability and resilience in Memphis and Shelby County. The office coordinates and supports regional initiatives promoting sustainable, resilient, and livable communities.
For an additional resource regarding How to Reduce & Dispose of Our PPE Waste More Responsibly read more here.
Are you looking for information about our health regarding food such as toxic pesticides in crops, excessive antibiotics in animal agriculture? Are you wondering how to make healthy sustainable food choices and where to buy fresh produce in our community? These resources provide this information and more.
Heifer International is a global nonprofit with the goal of ending poverty and hunger in a sustainable fashion. Established in 1944, Heifer International gives out gifts of livestock, seeds and trees and extensive training to those in need. Based in Little Rock, Arkansas, Heifer International has helped more than 13.6 million families (71 million people) in more than 125 countries.
The best organic food is what's grown closest to you. This is known as local harvest. Use this website to find farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area, where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies. Want to support this great web site? Shop in their catalog for things you can't find locally!
Called one of the nation's most powerful environmental groups by The New York Times, NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group. Although there are numerous valuable topics on their site, this will take you to information about food.
Project Green Fork contributes to a sustainable Mid-South by helping reduce environmental impacts, with a focus on strengthening homegrown restaurants. On the website, you will find many participating restaurants that have been certified by Project Green Fork.
Square Foot Gardening is a simple system that adapts to all levels of experience, physical abilities, and geographical locations. Grow all you want and need in only 20% of the space of a conventional row garden. Save time, water, work and money!
What is FoodPrint? Whether it's a salad, a hamburger or your morning egg sandwich, your meal has an impact on the environment and on the welfare of animals, food/farm workers and on public health.
The Land Institute has worked for over 30 years on the problem of agriculture. Our purpose is to develop an agricultural system with the ecological stability of the prairie and a grain yield comparable to that from annual crops.
Did you know that the typical Memphis family spends about $1,900 a year on home utility bills? Unfortunately, a large portion of that energy is wasted. And each year, electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars. And as for the road, transportation accounts for 67% of all U.S. oil consumption. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to save energy and money at home and in your car.
The ConsumerAffairs team worked with global thought leader and solar expert, Zachary Shahan, to create an online resource about solar panels. Since 1977, the price of solar panels has dropped approximately 100 times over, and solar power is now less expensive than power from the grid for billions of people. This guide that helps consumers determine whether or not going solar is for them. A few topics in the guide include companies, financing options, and services or maintenance after installation.
This informative article covers the importance of energy efficient upgrades and how to get a green mortgage for that purpose.
A Home Energy Rating is a measurement of a home's energy efficiency. Home energy ratings can be used for either existing homes or new homes. A home energy rating of an existing home allows a homeowner to receive a report listing options for upgrading a home’s energy efficiency. The homeowners may then use the report to determine the most effective ways in which to upgrade the home's energy efficiency. A home energy rating of a new home allows buyers to compare the energy efficiency of homes they are considering buying.
Home Energy Saver is a set of online resources developed by the U.S. Department of Energy intended to help consumers and professional energy analysts, analyze, reduce, and manage home energy use.
Make the Green Power Switch in order to support Green Power Providers and other regional renewable energy projects using wind, solar and biogas sources. You have the power to change the way electricity is generated throughout the region, reducing emissions and saving natural resources.
Through green home buying and renovations, anyone can transform their home into an energy efficient, money saving machine. The green home was designed to minimize environmental footprints, while still preserving a comfortable and healthy indoor living environment. This web site includes terminology to detailed information that will beneift the discerning home buyer. Check it out.
The purpose of USGBC is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. The Memphis chapter has a Facebook page.
Windpower Monthly is the leading news magazine of the international wind energy business, publishing non-stop since 1985. Fiercely protective of its independent status, the magazine provides balanced quality information on wind power and only wind power.